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Recent testing found that an employee had hearing loss in both ears… he’s now been fitted with hearing aids which without the testing he would have carried on struggling to hear!
Our site was visited by an ELAS Occupational Health nurse who gave advice on mental health, diet, and exercise. 95% of the operatives on site were screened during the course of the day!
The introduction of external health screening has definitely raised our employee’s awareness of long-term health issues and has demonstrated our commitment to them.
I have received great support from all the team, referring, scheduling, annual medicals, doctors and nurses and in particular, Attendance Pro.
The occupational health practitioner's competence, knowledge and professionalism added value to the whole process. The medicals have turned out to be of more value than expected, for the individuals as well as the company.
Your teams have been very helpful. We would have taken a lot longer to resolve the medical problems that arose. The employee in question is doing very well and is almost back to his old self. We are very grateful.